Esf Editor
Earth's Special Forces v1.2.3 Full (stable)
Beta 1.2.3 (our latest stable release) currently has the largest player base out of all of the publicly release versions.
Download ESF v1.2.3:
Earth's Special Forces Open Beta Final (Unstable)
The Open Beta(Beta 1.3) is the last public release of ESF. This build is a snapshot of the inteam and contains many bugs and unfinished features.
Download ESF: Open Beta Final:
Earth's Special Forces Beta v1.1 (Reversed Pack)
The Beta 1.1 Reveresed Pack extends the old beta 1.1 so that it may be played with Steam.
Download ESF v1.1 Reversed Pack:
1) Folder Access 'Permission' If you don't already have server access permission to edit the contents of your web folder, contact the web office at 470-4858, ('permission' means that your account has been added to a list associated with the folder you need to access). Esf Total Editor is an application that combines all the existing utilities for editing.esf files. With Esf Total Editor you can edit an.esf file, convert it to xml or search in which records a specific number is located. In Menu bar click Esf choose Editor and the version of the editor you want to use.
Beta 1.2.3 (our latest stable release) currently has the largest player base out of all of the publicly release versions.
Download ESF v1.2.3:
Earth's Special Forces Open Beta Final (Unstable)
The Open Beta(Beta 1.3) is the last public release of ESF. This build is a snapshot of the inteam and contains many bugs and unfinished features.
Esf Editor Windows
Download ESF: Open Beta Final:
Earth's Special Forces Beta v1.1 (Reversed Pack)
The Beta 1.1 Reveresed Pack extends the old beta 1.1 so that it may be played with Steam.
- ESF dev team for the beta.
- 'Me' (a.k.a Rick) for the bots (v 3.1)
- CS-LAND for the steampatch (v 2.0)
Download ESF v1.1 Reversed Pack:
Esf Editor 1.4.5
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