Mo Drivers License

The first step in applying for your Missouri license is getting your learner’s permit. After you’ve gotten your learner’s permit, if you are between 15 and 18, you must wait at least 182 days before getting your driver’s license. You also need at least 40 hours of driving instruction with 10 of those hours being between sunrise and sunset. Note: Some applications, such as a new Commercial Driver License, will require a secondary review for final approval and may exceed the average 7-10 day time frame. Please see the MO Department of Revenue Drivers License FAQ for details. Additional Information. Missouri Department of Revenue Drivers' License Information. Missouri State Highway. Driver License Records to be Updated This will only update the address on your Missouri driver license record. If you want to update the address printed on an instructions permit, driver license, or non-driver license that you carry in your wallet, you must present acceptable documents to apply and pay for the updated card at a Missouri license office.


3238 Laclede Station Road
Maplewood, MO 63143

We are open for walk in services. You do not need an appointment, for us to serve you. You may walk right into the lobby and sign in on the computer in the corner.

This Location is equipped with Qless, an automated wait time system. Upon arrival at the office, please check in at the kiosk located in the front lobby. You can also download the free “Qless” App, this allows you to sign into our line remotely from anywhere and receive text updates to where you are in line. (Note Standard Message Rate applies when using the App.)

Our Office Policy regarding COVID-19:
1. Only one person will be allowed in per transaction.
2. It is a requirement to wear a facial mask/covering. It must remain on the entire time you are visiting with us. (If you have a medical condition that renders you from wearing one, an accommodation will be made, just see the greeter at the front door.)

Contract Manager: Sue Valentine

Office Manager: Paul Hart Schmidt

Office Phone Number: 314.645.1044

Fax Number: 314.645.1426

Mo Driver's License Bureau


Text only: 314-605-3389

Days Open:Office Closed check back with updates

Monday - Friday - 7:30am to 7:00pm.
Saturday - 8:00am to 2:00pm

Please see below for additional days of closure and updates.

Mo driver

Holidays (Scroll the entire list to see additional days of closure and updates after listed holidays):

New Year’s Day (01/01/2021)

Dor Mo Driver's License

Martin Luther King Day (01/18/2021)

Lincoln’s Birthday (02/12/2021)

Mo Drivers License Office


President’s Day (02/15/2021)

Truman’s Birthday (05/07/2021)

Memorial Day (05/31/2021)

Independence Day (07/05/2021)

Labor Day (09/06/2021)

Columbus Day (10/11/2021)

Veteran’s Day (11/11/2021)

Thanksgiving (11/25/2021)

Christmas Eve (12/24/2021)

Christmas Day (12/25/2021)

New Year’s Day (12/31/2021)

Additional Days Closed:




Mo Drivers License Reinstatement








11/24/2021 pm closure


Mo Driver's License Appointment


Mo Driver's License Address Change


The Maplewood License Office offers the following services to the elderly and customers who have a disability.- Curb Side Service- Special Appointments- Assistance with Changing or Replacing Plates & Tabs.- Assist in and out of license office and process transactions in waiting area.- We assist elderly and disabled customers ahead of other customers.- A wheelchair is available in our lobby. Free Wifi is available in our lobby, there is no password and is listed as LicenseOffice. We also offer a Motor Vehicle Drop off Service everyday of the week.

Dmv Springfield Mo Driver's License

Missouri License Restrictions

In some situations, the Department of Revenue may be forced to place a restriction onto your Missouri drivers license. Such restrictions usually specify limitations of your driving skills, due to either a health condition or lack of appropriate training. Teenagers should also be mindful of Missouri intermediate drivers license restrictions that are part of the state graduate license program.

Drivers License Restriction Codes

A full list of Missouri drivers license restriction codes is available in the official Missouri drivers license manual, so you are more than welcome to check it out there. Here are the restriction codes that we were able to gather so far:

  • A - Corrective Lenses
  • B - Outside Rearview Mirror
  • C - Daylight Driving Only
  • D - Auto Trans/Power Steering
  • E - Seat Cushion
  • F - Restricted to 45 MPH
  • G - 25 Mile Radius
  • H - Special Hand Devices
  • I - Intermediate License
  • J - Electrical Turn Signals
  • K - Intrastate CDL Only
  • L - Non-airbrake CDL
  • M - Extension on Foot Device
  • N - Leg Brace(s)
  • O - Foot Operated Emergency Brake
  • P - Accelerator on Steering Column
  • R - Back Cushion
  • S - School Bus
  • T - Right Outside Mirror
  • U - Uncoded Restriction
  • W - 3-Wheel Motorcycle Only
  • Y - Left Outside Mirror
  • Z - More than 5 Restrictions
DriverMo Drivers License

An uncoded restriction can be any restriction that is not presented in this list.

Most of these restrictions may apply either to you drivers license or your permit. A restriction is usually placed onto your license at the time when you take your Missouri permit test or license test and are issued with a driver license. Removing a restriction from your license usually requires you to prove that the condition that warranted the restriction no longer applies. For example, if you have a restriction that allows operation of vehicles equipped with automatic transmission only and you would like to have it removed, you will be required to take a Missouri driving test in a vehicle equipped with manual transmission.

Intermediate License Restrictions

Most states today have some form of a graduated drivers license system in place and Missouri is no exception. In order to reduce the number of teen drivers being injured on state roads every year, the DOR has enacted a number of additional restrictions and requirements that are known as the Missouri graduated driver license program. The graduated license program breaks the licensing procedure into a number of steps, as opposed to granting the applicant with full driving privileges right away. Every applicant starts by achieving a Missouri instruction permit and practicing driving under supervision of a licensed driver at least 21 years of age (if you are under 16 years of age at the time, the supervising driver must be your parent or legal guardian). If you follow all Missouri permit restrictions, in six months, you are allowed to take a driving test and are issued with an intermediate drivers license, which needs to be held for at least 12 months before graduating to the next level. The following intermediate drivers license restrictions must be observed in Missouri:

  • Passenger restrictions. No more than three passengers under the age of 19 for the first six months. No more than three passengers under 19 years of age after the first six months. Immediate family members are excluded from the rule.
  • Nighttime driving restriction. The curfew prohibits you from operating a vehicle between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. unless you are accompanied by a licensed driver 21 years of age or older.

These intermediate license restrictions need to be observed for at least 12 months before you can go ahead and upgrade to a full unrestricted Missouri driver's license. During this period, you may not have any alcohol-related offenses or traffic convictions.