Shortcut For Bullet Points In Word Mac

Hey Guys,

Shortcut For Bullet Points In Word Mac

It seems so odd and I find it so irritating that I have been using this keyboard shortcut which is Command-Shift-L for bullets in Outlook, Notes and almost any word processing applications. All of a sudden this seems to have gone and now replaced by a Google Search. I tried researching a lot on the internet and found many articles which confirmed that this was indeed a keyboard shortcut but I couldnt find even one which could tell me what happened to it and how to make it work again. I've got so used to this shortcut because my work involves mainly around drafting emails and documents.

I have Macbook Pro Retina 13inch 2013 model & running Mac OSX 10.9.4 OS.

Now I did find one website link which told me how to disable the Safari trigger for this shortcut and I was successful in removing that shortcut. But I am stuck at the point where it's just blank. So now when I press these keys, nothing happens because no shortcut is set to it. I am moving in circles and would really appreciate if anyone can help.


Apr 24, 2019 Use alt or option code shortcuts to insert bullet symbols in Mac. Hold option key and type the hex code in the above table to produce bullet symbols. In order to use this, you should have enabled Unicode Hex Input method as your keyboard input. For example, Option + 25CF will produce black circle bullet like ●. Hi, I'm switching over from MS Office and am used to using alt-shit-up/down to rearrange the order of bullets. I've found references in Libre Office to Ctrl-Alt-Up/Down shortcuts being configured for 'Move Up' and 'Move Down' however these don't seem to work with bullets (or anything else I've tried). AutoCorrect item to substitute, say, 'bb' with an Option-8 bullet as soon as you hit the tab key. For further reading, if you're interested, check out 'Examples of AutoCorrect items I靶e assigned' on page 85 of some notes on the way I use Word for the Mac, titled 'Bend Word to Your Will', which are available as a.

To turn lines of text into a bulleted or numbered list, select the text, and then, on the Home tab in the Paragraph group, click Bullets or Numbering.Each line or paragraph becomes a bulleted or numbered item.

P.S I've already gone through many links which say create paragraphs, this and blah blah but sorry I am not interested in that....Some links also say that Option + 8 key works for the bullets but that doesnt work for me either. However, I dont want that too. I would want the original shortcut which was there and would really appreciate if someone can tell me how to get it back or even configure it back to the way it was. Sorry for being rude but I am just frustrated with the long hours I have spent in fixing this silly issue and don't want the similar answers which I have already come across on the other links. Your help is much appreciated. Thank you in advance!

MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

Posted on Sep 5, 2014 4:00 PM

Word: Bullet and Numbering Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut For Bullet Points In Word Mac Os

Word will automatically format the list types with either of the shortcuts below. If the keyboard shortcuts do not work, you may need to first set automatic numbering or bullets.
To start a bulleted list:
  1. Press the [*] asterisk button(Shift + 8) where you would like to begin your list.
  2. Press the spacebar and begin typing your text.

To start a numbered list:

What Is The Shortcut Key For Bullet Points In Word

  1. Type a number one followed by a period (1.) where you would like to begin your list.
  2. Press the spacebar and begin typing the rest of your text.

To enable automatic bulleted and numbered lists:

  1. Click [File] > From the sidebar, select 'Options.'
  2. In the resulting dialogue box from the sidebar, select “Proofing.”
  3. Click [AutoCorrect Options] > Click the [Autoformat As You Type] tab.
  4. Check the 'Automatic bulleted lists' and 'Automatic numbered lists' boxes if they are not already checked > Click [OK] twice to return to the document.

Return to Microsoft Office: Create, Modify, and Format Bulleted Lists and Numbers.

For more shortcuts, see Word: Keyboard Shortcuts (Quick Reference).

Keywords: bullett, bulletted lists, fancy, calligraphy, lists in word, organization in word, using keyboard shortcuts in word, working with lists in word, working with bulleted lists in word, creating lists in word, creating numbered lists in word

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What Is The Shortcut For Bullet Points In Word

Shortcut For Bullet Points In Word Mac

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