Timer Utility 5 1.0.0

  1. 5 Minute Timer 0
  2. Timer Utility 5 1.0.0 Free


DSpeech is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user. It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.
(DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, starts in a second and doesn't write anything to the registry). Some notable features of DSpeech are:
° Allows you to save the output as a .WAV, .MP3, AAC, AC3, WMA, OGG, OPUS, etc.
° Allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices.
° DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user.
° Allows you to configure the voices in an independent way.
° Thanks to apposite TAGs, it allows you to dynamically change the features of the voices during the playback (speed, volume and frequency), to insert pauses, emphasize specific words, or even to spell them out.
° Allows you to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.
° DSpeech is compatible with all vocal engines (SAPI 4-5 compliant).
° It allows to translate sentences between the main language and the language of the selected voice.
° AI dialog system. Not really useful, but amusing. It does not work in every language.
° It's able to dub movies; this feature synchronizes the reading subtitles (in the standard SRT format) with the playback of a movie. Player supported are Media Player Classic and later, and VideoLAN VLC Player.


  • Download DSpeech v1.73 (Windows)

Samples and Tutorials

Tutorial of DSpeech

Tutorial of DSpeech (French version)

Manual illustrated of DSpeech

Manual illustrated of DSpeech (French version)

Templatefor Translators: to create a Language Pack you can use this template.

  • Listen a sample of dialogue from DSpeech:
  • Overview of the advanced features of DSpeech:

Voices Download

The most famous are CereProc, Cepstral, Ivona, Scansoft, Loquendo, Acapela and VoiceWare.

Voice Pack (Web) Here you find the package with the most beautiful voices. (These packages is not my work so that, for copyright issues, please contact the author).
English, Italian, Spanish, French, German.

eSpeak. It's a new open source engine in english (good) and in other languages (average):

Other components you need to install

If you want to save in AMR format, you have to download the DSpeech AMR Pack from hereand decompress it on the DSpeech folder.

On Windows XP and later, if you want use SAPI4 voices, you must install SAPI4. Download it here (800 KB).

On Windows NT4/2000 (on XP and later you don't need) you must install SAPI5, you can download it here

On Windows NT4/2000/XP, if you want use the Speech Recognition features (ASR), you must install the MS-Recognition Engine as well. Download it here (30 MB).

If your SAPI interface is broken and DSpeech can't work correctly, you can try to fix with one of this tools.

GRANDSTREAM NETWORKS GDSManager Release Note Page 5 VERSION PRODUCT NAME GDSManager Management Utility Software (Free) DATE SUMMARY OF UPDATE The main purpose of this release is bug fixes and feature enhancement. BUG FIX. Fixed imported member list not able to open door via RFID card. C 1 1 0 0 Updated Feb 7, 2021 X-NUCLEO-53L3A2 Arduino library to support the X-NUCLEO-53L3A2 based on VL53L3CX Time-of-Flight ranging sensor with multi target detection.



DSynchronizeis a stand-alone utility that let you periodically synchronize two or more folders on Hard Disk, Floppy Disk, LAN, USB Key, CD-DVD and FTP server.
List of main features:
° Standard and timer sync.
° RealTime sync.
° Bidirectional sync.
Transactional sync (by the journal of NTFS).
° Selective filter (you can exclude single files or folders).
° Start as Service (the program don’t needs to log in).
° Supports Symbolic Links and Hard Links.
° Supports Junctions and Mount Points.
° Supports ACL.
° Log sent by Email.
° Backup of previous version of replaced files.
° Byte to byte compare.
° Supports multiple Jobs, each with its settings and sync paths.
° Minimum resource occupation (RAM and CPU).


  • Download DSynchronize v2.48 (Windows)

Interface translation in other languages

DSynchronize interface can be translated in several languages:

Italian (By Edoardo Piparo & Marco Braidotti - Taf)

French (By Olivier Orlianges)

German (By Ruediger Pfleiderer)

Spanish(By SySmcn & Andres Fulco & Jose Lage & Albert Barta)

Catalan (Albert Barta)

Polish (By Grandalf)

Slovak (By Rene Kuzica)

Greek (By Geogeo)

Korean (By Sushizang)

Czech Republic(By Dusan Habina)

Brazilian (By José Nonato)

Turkish(By Murat ÖZTÜRK)

Chinese (CHS)(By Cyber Cowboy)

Japanese (By MBSN)

Russian(By Pavel Melnikov & Valerij Romanovskij)

Swedish(By Åke Engelbrektson)

Norwegian(By Odd-Steinar Mathisen)

Danish(By Hans Peter Schultz)

Dutch(By Bert van 't Hof)

Tamil(By Anish Prabu)

Hungarian(By Gátser József)

Template for Translators: To create a language pack you can use this template.


DShutdown is a stand-alone program that allows you to easily shutdown and wake up local or remote PCs, with many specific options.
DShutdown supports more than just standard shutdown options, there are options relating to 'pure' shutdown (such as the 'force after wait' option which causes a forced, but 'clear' shutdown). There are monitoring options that allow you to shutdown a PC after a particular application terminates (useful at the end of compressing several files). There are also options to shutdown a PC when Internet traffic reduces below a particular align='right'>


  • Download DShutdown v1.78 (Windows)
  • Tutorial How To Shutdown Remote PCs

Interface translation in other languages

DShutdown interface can be translated in several languages:

Italian (By Phant0mw0rm)

German (By Kurt Lettmaier & Bernhard)

Czech Republic(By Alfox)

Serbian(By Ozzii)

Russian(By Valerij Romanovskij)


Double Finderis a program to search for duplicates, that is, duplicate files that take up unnecessary space on the disk.

The program has a very fast algorithm that is able to quickly find all the duplicate files one or more times and present them in a detailed list.
At this point it will be possible to examine them one by one or even delete them all at once.

Practical experience has shown that often the elimination of duplicates can also free hundreds of GB on a medium HD, since practically all the HDs, over time, tend to accumulate unnecessary duplication of images, and multimedia files that can occupyalso a lot of space.

As usual, the program is stand-alone and requires no installation.


  • Download DoubleFinder v1.2 (Windows)

Deep Explorer Deep Explorer is a tool very similar to the Windows Explorer, but it allows you to view and operate on paths much longer than canonical 260 characters of Windows.
The length limit of the paths, which is normally limited to 260 characters, goes up to 32,000 characters.
DExplorer allows you to recover, move and delete files and folders at this level of depth that is not accessible or erasable neither from Explorer nor from the Command Shell, which do not support this depth.

Another interesting function is the Hard Delete which allows to gain a complete non-recoverable deletion even with undelete tools since both name and contents of files are overwritten with random data.
The program is stand-alone and requires no installation.


  • Download Deep Explorer v1.2 (Windows)



DTaskManager is another Task-Manager, but specifically engineered to give additional functionalities that the Windows bundled TaskManager (and other third party products) do not have:
° Three different ways to close a process, as the 'termination request', the standard 'forced termination' with dialogue tolerance, and the 'forced termination' of any type of process, bypassing all permissions (it can also terminate running system processes).
° DTaskManager allows you to suspend and reactivate a process (as in Linux). This is useful, for example, to temporarily suspend a task that uses system resources when you don't want to terminate it (such as a DivX encoding process).
° DTaskManager allows you to select more than one process at a time, and terminate all of them 'simultaneously'.
° DTaskManager does not need any useless confirmation.



  • Download DTaskManager v1.57 (Windows 2000/XP/2003/XPx64)

(Special thanks to William Warner for donation of a dual-processor system for make tests!)

Interface translation in other language

DTaskManager interface can be translated in other language:

Italian (By Alessandro Fiorotto)

French (By Largo)

Brasiliano (By Marli Masa)

Cinese(By Lixun Ou)

Vietnamese (By Xinh Gai)

Japanese (By MBSN)

Russian (By Dmitry)

Dutch(By Freerk Philipse)


HDHackeris a stand-alone micro-utility that saves, visualizes, and restores MBR or BootSector or any other specified sector from disk (works even with removable drives).
HDHacker can be used, for example, to save and restore a particular boot manager (such as LILO, for example)
before a new Windows setup (which, obviously, overwrites it).
An MBR and BootSectorbackup can also be useful for simple precautionary purposes too, since sometimes viruses or other OS setup (like Linux) could overwrite and/or alter the MBR/Boot Sectors, making it impossible to start up previous OS and/or access datas stored on the disk. HDHacker can provide 'insurance'
against all these types of loss.


  • Download HDHacker v1.6.5 (Windows)

Interface translation in other languages

HDHacker interface can be translated in several languages:

Italian (By Andrea Pattaro)

French (By Gauthier MAS)

Spanish (By Jose Franco)

German (By Kurt Lettmaier)

Greek (By Geogeo)

Polish (By Rafał Elzner)

Russian(By Valerij Romanovskij)

Hungarian(By Imre Tabori)

All my programs are completely free and will always remain free, if you are satisfied and want to help me and my cat to improve them or motivate the development of other features, any donation amount, however small, will be welcome and gratefully appreciated.
I work hard to repay your support!

If you have a credit card, you can donate with Paypal (you don't need a Paypal account):


If you prefer to directly transfer your donation to my c/c, you will find the necessary data below

Bank: Poste Italiane SPA
Name: Dimitrios Coutsoumbas
ABI: 07601
CAB: 02400
Account number (c/c): 000076804277
IBAN: IT-80-I-07601-02400-000076804277
Usage in any environment, including commercial.
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Modify the packet, add or remove files.
Modify any of the files.
Offer for download by a 'downloader' software.
Timer utility 5 1.0.0 free

5 Minute Timer 0

My softwares are very 'friendly'. None of my programs use an installer (compressed into the zip file, there is only the executable and documentation). Nor does my software write anything into the Windows Registry (I hate this thing).


Timer Utility 5 1.0.0 Free